Spirulina is popularly seen in today’s market in powder form only. This store however has fresh spirulina that is more effective than the powders. Fresh spirulina is 100% nutritious and naturally frozen blue-green alga that is planted in freshwaters. It’s packed with nutrients, vitamins, minerals plus al; the nine essential amino acids of the body. Spirulina enhances quality health and it boosts the immune system.
One benefit of spirulina is that it helps in fighting diseases. Studies show that due to its varying nutrient content, spirulina shows an extensive variety of therapeutic effects. It has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, and several other such activities. These activities allow spirulina with several therapeutic potentials and a lot of these activities of spirulina have an excellent advantage against cancer. Note that you can visit Spirulina For Life if you want to know more about this product.
Spirulina also reduces cholesterol. Previous research has shown Spirulina’s role as a super meal that diminishes cholesterol naturally. A study in 2007 for example discovered that 4.5 grams of Spirulina maxima every day for six weeks effectively minimized triglycerides levels. LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol were also considerably minimized while the ideal HD cholesterol significantly improved. The average blood pressure in this study also reduced drastically. There are human studies that have also proven spirulina’s ability to reduce inflammation, enhance the immune system, kill viruses, lower blood pressure, and curb allergy-linked nasal symptoms.
Spirulina also strengthens muscles and improves endurance. A major benefactor to muscle soreness is exercise-induced oxidative damage. Some plant meals have antioxidant elements ht can assist athletes and physically active persons reduce this damage. It is essential to note that the frozen spirulina seems beneficial as some investigations have pointed to enhanced muscle resilience and endurance.
Another advantage of spirulina products is that they help to relieve allergies. Some research indicates that spirulina could help alleviate symptoms of allergies. A study in 2013 suggests that spirulina can mitigate nasal soreness and minimize histamine in the body. Spirulina may also do away with the symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as sneezing, running nose, itching, and nasal congestion.
Spirulina helps to fight anemia. Anemia exists in several different forms. The [popuar one is distinguished by a reduction in red blood cells or hemoglobin in the body. Anemia is rather popular in older adults, resulting in extended periods of fatigue and weakness. A study conducted in 40 older persons with a history of anemia showed that spirulina improved the hemoglobin quantity of red blood cells and enhance immune performance. Click here if you want to know more about this topic: https://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/2016/08/31/what-is-spirulina_a_21462874/.